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6 Strategies to Scale Your Content Marketing

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Are you ready to scale your content marketing? If so, you’re not alone. Most marketers start scaling up rather quickly, and if you can meet your challenges head-on, you can become an industry leader.

 If you’re thinking about scaling your content marketing, you need a scalable system for producing and publishing content. 

Here are some of the most effective strategies to employ.

  1. Grow your operational capacity

Scaling content marketing won’t happen unless you have the operational capacity. Do you currently have the resources necessary to scale? If you don’t have enough in-house writers, do you have the budget to hire out the task to a reputable marketing agency? 

If you start working with freelancers or outsourced teams, will you need more digital tools to facilitate communication and project delivery?

Before you start scaling, make sure you’re ready to handle the task operationally.

  1. Combine SEO with content marketing

There’s no way to separate content marketing and SEO. Don’t get into a position where you have to optimize your content for search at a later time. Get it all done the first time the content is written.

Top brands use SEO in their content marketing, and this is a good example to follow. If you don’t optimize your articles and blog posts as they’re written, you’ll have far more work to do later. Hire content writers who understand SEO and provide them with a list of keywords to incorporate into each article. You still might need to make some changes, but at least the foundation will be set.

  1. Streamline writer workflows

Having efficient workflows and processes is vital to scale content marketing. Efficient writers complete articles faster, the quality is better, and their content needs less editing.

To support your writing team, come up with a system that supports their needs. For example, create outlines for articles with specific requirements to ensure the topic is spot-on. You can also make sure each writer is aligned with the topics you assign; otherwise, a lack of interest can delay completion.

Another important factor is standardizing the format your writers use to write pitches, articles, and even file names.

Last, but not least, use a productivity tool for assigning, managing, and completing tasks. You have plenty of options here, including Basecamp, Asana, Monday, and more.

  1. Understand your target market

Thoroughly understanding your target audience is essential when you aim to scale your content marketing efforts. If anything about your content is off before you scale, it will only get worse afterward. You may not even realize anything is wrong until you’re producing more content and you notice your results aren’t scaling up proportionately.

When you scale your efforts, you can reach additional segments of your market, provided you do enough research to understand those audiences. You need to know everything about your market’s pain points, needs, wants, and demographics. Where do your competitors fall short of addressing their needs? Can you fill in the gaps? Scaling your content marketing provides the perfect opportunity to reach additional groups when it aligns with your business goals.

  1. Outsource your content writing

About 49% of all organizations outsource at least some of their content writing needs. While most still maintain in-house writers, they employ a hybrid approach that includes outsourcing. 

When you hire content writers outside of your in-house team, you have access to a wider pool of talent. You can scour the world for your ideal writers and hire whoever you wish. Not being limited to local talent makes it easier to get top-quality content at scale. In other words, you can hire as many writers as you need to work simultaneously on your content marketing. Even if you need 50 articles per month, getting those needs met won’t tie up in-house resources.

  1. Create a content calendar

Having a set schedule to publish content is essential when you scale. You can create any schedule you wish; there is no hard rule about how often you should publish. However, it is important to publish content on a regular schedule so search engines and visitors get fresh content.

An editorial calendar will do wonders for keeping your team on track and maintaining efficient workflows. Your calendar should include target publication dates as well as deadlines for writers to submit drafts and editors to review those drafts before a final review.

Scaling content marketing requires planning

To recap, to scale your content marketing, you need an organized approach. For instance, it’s crucial to streamline workflows, grow your operational capacity if needed, and outsource content creation to some degree 

With a solid writing team and an in-depth plan, you shouldn’t have any issues scaling your content marketing efforts and seeing significant results.